The pioneers of St. Nicholas Parish from their very first meeting demonstrated their commitment to God, Parish and Community by organizing a religiously devote, academically astute and culturally active congregation.
It is our belief and vision to revive this religious, academic and cultural corps de spirit, in the tradition of our past parishioners and community with the establishment of the St. Nicholas School of the Arts.
The School will be a parish organization committed to organizing a wide range of high quality classes for young and old. Whether it be instrumental music, song, dance, yoga, exercise, gardening, language, photography–the program will be geared to producing satisfied participants.
Classes to be offered:
Art classes
Woodwind Instruments
Vocal Training
Young Children’s Choral Group
Classes to be offered as the community requests.
2220 West Rice Street
Chicago, IL 60622
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St. Nicholas School of the Arts
- Hits: 2609