Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We cordially invite you to participate in our annual tradition, the Christmas Festival “Caroling Together,” which will be held on January 29, 2023, at 2 p.m. at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic
Cathedral, 835 N. Oakley Blvd, Chicago.
Over the course of many years, Chicago-area Ukrainians have established this wonderful tradition of celebrating Christ’s nativity and sharing holiday cheer and greetings as a community.
We all look forward to this Christmas festival with excitement so that together, from heart to heart, we can share the experience of our Lord and Savior’s birth.
All funds collected during this year’s event will support the medical treatment of Ukrainian soldiers.
We hope you will support this unique collaborative event of our Ukrainian community! This year it is extremely important to keep, nurture and pass on to the next generations our traditions of
being together, caroling together, and helping our brothers and sisters in Ukraine as much as we can.
We are waiting for you and kindly ask you to spread the word!