“Fear not. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. For the Lord shall fight for us.” (Gen 14:13-14)

The power of prayer is greater than can be imagined as attested to in the words of a soldier fighting in Ukraine. A soldier on the front line sent this message to his wife, “We can feel your prayerful support.


Chicago Sun-Times (Full Text)

Church leaders to hit the streets for Ash Wednesday ‘to meet people’ where they are

1. Write a check to the “St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy” and send it to the office at 2245 W Rice St, Chicago, IL 60622-810.
Please write on the check “Support for Ukraine”. Please keep in mind that these donations are not tax deductible in the USA since our Eparchy serves as a mediator to transfer funds to Ukraine.


Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich offered his support for Ukraine on Sunday while celebrating Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral.

The people of the Archdiocese of Chicago stand with our brothers and sisters suffering under attack in Ukraine.

Christ is Born!

Glorify Him!

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Nicholas Cathedral.

“Behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all people.

For today in the city of David, a savior has been born for you, who is Christ and Lord” (Luke 2:10-11)

On November 28, Bishop Benedict (Aleksiychuk) was celebrated the Divine Liturgy and together with Fr. Serhiy Kovalchuk and Fr. Roman Bobesiuk consecrated the children's room. Bishop Benedict wished all present to grow in God's Love and share it with others. Afterward, the children had fun taking an active part in the entertainment program. Thank you for making an investment into the future of our children.  May God bless all of you!

More pictures

December 13th is the day of remembrance of Apostle St Andrew. You are invited for holiday gatherings to the restaurant Shokolad (2524 W Chicago Ave) from 6-8PM to make a gift of love in intention for your children. The fundraiser is created for the purpose of repairing one of the domes in St. Nicholas Cathedral. Currently, we’ve gathered $9,500 of the $40,000 needed for the renovation. Giving is the key to prosperity and success. Come and enjoy a warm atmosphere, wine and appetizers and the spirit of this Holiday season with a gift of love to support the renovation.
“A seed, that fell into good soil will produce a crop a hundred times as great“.

Sunday, December 12, 2021. All parishioners and friends are cordially invited to participate in the 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy which will be celebrated by Bishop BENEDICT (Aleksiychuk).